Poem Residing in Your Heart

Today I was struggling  with writing a new poem and for some moments I felt, I can't write anything now. I had an empty feeling without writing. Then, my poem enlightened me to overcome the false empty feeling. Here is the secret my poem told me today...

Image: Kunda flowers

I am a poem
Eternally present quietly
In you
Close your eyes
Listen to me
I am a poem
Residing in your heart

In your thoughts,
In your vision,
In your experiences,
I am a poem
Residing in your heart

In your world,
In your worldview,
I exist
Close your eyes,
Listen to my voice
I am a poem
Residing in your heart

Listen to your emotions
Changed and unchanged,
And those shades changing
I am there,
I am present there
I am a poem
Residing in your heart

You joys, sorrows and your aches
Laud or silent,
I am there 
Listen to my voice
I am a poem 
Residing in your heart

In chaotic world,
In restless moments,
In tranquil meditation,
Your heart beats;
So I breathe 
Listen to me
I am a poem
Residing in your heart

I am a poem
Structured unstructured, 
Written, unwritten,
Heard, unheard
Sung, unsung, 
I am a poem 
Residing in your heart

Listen to my voice
Compose now,
Poetize now,
Your pen, your keyboard,
The whole world
Waiting for you
For the poem
Residing in your heart

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