Micropoems: Crazy, You Made Me

Re sharing some micropoems tweeted  this Saturday and earlier this week. Hope you'll enjoy them. 

Theme: Crazy

Can't guarantee
My sanity
When i think about you,
Talk about you,
Talk to you,
What next?
Crazy, crazy, crazy
You made me

My rational brain,
My creative heart,
Stops working
I think about you
Please save me
Who are you?


Your love,
Your anger,
Your silence,
Your words
Crazy, crazy, crazy
You made me


Don't call me crazy now
You made it happen
Who are you?


Lost my 'self'
For you
In you
Crazy, crazy, crazy
You made me


Why pseudonym 
When  'mohini' has all the craziness
who doesn't know
It's me who's crazy for you,
Dear poems


Really can't believe
You changed me,
Your love changed me,
What next?
Crazy, crazy, crazy
You made me


Please control
He reads every poem
Where is your shyness?


Okay, honestly
I didn't drink coffee today
It's all your nasha
Crazy, crazy, crazy
You made me

PS: Needless to tell, mohi is my nickname. :) Nasha literally means intoxication. However, the 'nasha'  that happens in love is very beautiful and exhilarating without any harm. The person who is in the 'nasha' of love has full control over their emotions and at the same time they drench themselves in the enchantment of love. Perhaps, this is the beauty of love and so 'nasha' is so popularly used in love poems.

More micropoems you may enjoy:

  1. Heart Song
  2. You Please Win
  3. Love Shines
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