Sometimes we get so overwhelmed by our thoughts or situations that even thinking seems difficult. This state of mind isn't everlasting. However, how we take it decides our future. A poem on that horizon where thoughts stop...
Thoughts stop at
A point,
The horizon.
At one side
The life full of chaos
Beyond the horizon complete peace.
The death of life?
Just the death of thoughts?
Or a...
A world of detachment
Where peace in chaos exists.
The choice is ours.
Choice decides the path,
Efforts decide the destiny.
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Thoughts stop at
A point,
The horizon.
At one side
The life full of chaos
Beyond the horizon complete peace.
The death of life?
Just the death of thoughts?
Or a...
A world of detachment
Where peace in chaos exists.
The choice is ours.
Choice decides the path,
Efforts decide the destiny.
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