Poem: Words Rained

The happiest moment is to be able to write a poem when you think it's impossible to write a single word. A poem on observing involuntary breathing...

The situation is, loud DJ is ruining the peace of the night. I am stuck in the work and can't just get back my focus. Having read a disturbing article, head is overflowing with the disturbing thoughts and then...

Clouds of thoughts
Cacophony around

Stuck in the work
Fumbled for more words

Eyes closed for a moment
Listened to the rhythm of breathing

Breathing  in 
Breathing out

I did nothing 
It happened

Outer noise vanished
Inner song of breathing filled the heart with divine music

Clouds of thoughts melted
Words rained for a new poem

This poem is about the topic ' something changes or is about to change' (Prompt from Poetic asides blog.)

More poems related to Siddhayoga:

  1. My Trip With My Soul
  2. Worship of Prana
  3. Freedom from Cage of  Thoughts
  4. Poetry Beyond Words
  5. Thoughts to Samadhi

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