Poem: Misunderstandings Sometimes

Today's theme is 'misunderstandings'. Some verses on this theme,

Don't seem to stop
Are they resolvable by any means? 
Or are they just communication gap?

Grow in no time
Wait with patience?
Or speak the heart?

Grow the fruits of bitterness
How to turn them into sweetness?
Is there any magic wand? 

Take a serious turn
How to find the solution?
Or just wait?

Grow without our mistake
How to find the way then?

Grow in all situations 
With words or without words,
What's the best choice then
Silence or no silence?

Become the heartache
How to heal the wounds then?
Or just bear the pain silently?
Or just bear the pain silently?

Everybody has their own ways to handle misunderstandings, those occurring in personal relationships or in professional life. How I deal with conflicting issues is, before reacting anything, I spend time in evaluating the conflicting situation and what I can do, where I went wrong and how can I correct the situation if I can. However, not all situations are in our control. I believe, the best way is not to argue, not to blame, not to criticize as criticism during conflicts may be unnecessarily negative or unreasonable and we might have to regret later for that. Just like it's not good to blame others, self-blame can also increase the complexity of the situation. Also, I  try to avoid as much as negativity as I can; silence is golden in such situations. But, there are times when nothing seems to work and you have to face the situation (or bitter conflict), then how to deal with it? 

In all situations, I prefer a constructive approach, to think about what we can do to resolve the issues. When words seem to rise the misunderstandings, I find silence much better. In any case, I don't let bitterness reach my heart. And, what can be the best approach in dealing with hurtful experiences? Here again, hurting others as well as one's own self isn't right. Misunderstanding is such a word that it doesn't need any reason to grow. 

How do you deal with such situations? Do you have some simple ways to resolve the conflicts? Let's share and discuss, to make our relationships sweeter. Send your thoughts HERE.

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