It's PAD Challenge day 25 today. Writer's digest prompt is to write an across the sea poem. I have one more love poem today. Love doesn't know any barrier.
the barriers between you and me
barriers of distance
barriers of countries
barriers of oceans
and the barriers of the conflicting emotions,
though they are just imaginary
barriers between you and me
they hurt you,
they hurt me
you know I can’t travel to you
you know I can’t reach to you
you know I can’t come to talk with you
barriers between you and me
I can’t cross them
you know, I can’t cross them
o my love! o my sweet love!
my heart, my love, my thoughts
my heart, my love, my thoughts
talk with you
just close your eyes,
I'm there with you
breaking all the barriers
my mind has flown to you
beating the speed of light and sound
taking the wings of your love
with the power of your love
crossing the countries and the oceans
just close your eyes,
I'm there with you
feel my words
feel my love
just close your eyes,
I'm there with you
I'm there with you
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