Poem: The App Called 'My Life'

I always try to keep my rational plus technogy-overwhelmed thought process as an Engineer and poetic thinking separate from each other. For today's poem, I thought to mix them, let's see what happens...

Testing words 
Valid, invalid, partly valid
Encoding emotions
In verses
Decoding heart
In poems

Programming days
In poetry
Drawing ambitions
In the lines of words
Measuring my 'self'
In the terms of creations
Calculating the maths of challenges
In metaphors
Unloading the mind
In poesy 

Scripting dreams 
In the language of heart
Wiring hope, love, and faith
In sync with my soul
Refreshing the pages of life
In poetry delight
Processing thoughts, ideas, and imageries

Text Image for the Poem: 'The App Called My Life

Me, the Engineer turned poet:
Technically untechnical,
Poetically unimaginable,
Practically impractical, 

Composing my lifesong,
Developing the application called 'My Life'

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